After much research and see that everything online is whether such a aliases added that if another false ipv6 blacklist if ... And none of this worked, I tried to do a "ifconfig INTERFACE_NAME of IPV6_ADDRESS/MASK" (without quotes)
And voila. Everything returns to work wonders, that last.
So rummaging a little more for the "haystack" of the internet, I found that adding to the list of options on the boot entry in / boot / grub / menu.lstipv6
ipv6.disable = 1
Something like This
kernel / boot/vmlinuz- root = / dev/sda5 resume = repair = 1 / dev/sdb3 splash = silent vga = 0x31a ipv6.disable = 1 showopts
whole system disappears and everything works as expected.
The day that our internet providers offer IPv6 as to remove the previous option and we will.