Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quotes About Pediatricians

Spotify 10.x 64bit Fedora / openSUSE

If you do not you know you have a customer spotify experimental linux, which can only use the Premium account, because they have some "problems" with the advertising. Presumably, with the Unlimited also be because they do not have advertising.
The fact is that so far either spotify to use wine to your account open or free or experimental client who had taken was only for Ubuntu / Debian. Well
now have a repo for Fedora. While the repo can not be used in openSUSE if they can enter the repository and will download and install the RPM I have done and installed and started without any apparent problems (except for premium accounts / unlimited). Here
capture the login screen and nothing else since I have no premium account:-P

repository URL to download the RPM hand


Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Red Dogs From Eyebrow Waxing

Anger Happy Year 2011

Buenooooooooo, Happy New Year everyone "mare de deu" if that long ago that it did not anything on the web. They have spent Christmas, kings and to have changed this year. If you pass the time flying, right?
Thanks to an email I sent my "little thing" I've been watching this documentary certainly has no waste.
see it all please, and judge for yourself.

Buy, pull, buy

PD: Thank you love, disbelief in the documentary.