Fever Fever Mania obsession. What is the cause. Commenting Reinhold ROLLAND.
What offended boys, and earned the admiration of millions of girls around the world this little Bubi from Canada? About him, google search finds 750 million results. Despite this attempt to write something even though so late. As I noted on the disc, and recent photographs is a little Bieberek grew older, grew up. With its original beauty has lost 40%. Is the appeal do not know. I do not know how long
will be popular until his star slowly expire.
extensively on this subject I am writing on http://reinhold-rolland-dyskoteki.de/page9.php?post=4 are also interesting variety of comments.
write and speak about him and that, as it is music, people, passion, fever, disease, fashion, a phenomenon, an obsession. As a condition of temporary or long lasting. So something seems to me that even as a stop sing it on You-Tube and Google will have long years to reign, dominate and get excited. Newer vintages. Elvis Presley is the (uncrowned) king of rock, pop king Michael Jackson, no Justin Timberlake and
is the current king of the internet, YOU-TUBE, and color illustrated magazines.
What made that this poor, badly dressed, ridiculed by their peers, with an inconspicuous beauty and a tiny 11-tolatek came and went from rags to riches. For millions of $ $ $. Bidulek playing on their stone steps, pioseneczki melancholy, his thin, a little voice
metallic color? (Not to be confused with pedalskim !!!!) He wanted to earn for herself and her mother
on a trip to the U.S.. I earned. My father had left him but given his talent and strong will. This is but still not enough. You need to be lucky and chain
people of good will, a helping hand. He was aware that he has talent. He won the contest for the singer. The priest held a collection to buy the drums. Someone arranged for the recording studio. Google and YOU-TUBE also helped to free. Millions watched it, read and listened. In the second stage, someone pointed out that it can also buy and sell a huge profit. Started the stage of making big money. Music, its own distinct style, and records. concerts, interviews,
TV studio, Foto-Studio, glossy magazines because wyładniał. He drives the most expensive cars, a friend of the greatest stars of the show-business. He began the third stage of his career
. Girls and boys go wild. Girls with admiration and praise of the boys out of jealousy, envy and rage. What they say and write about the girls. Here is
features: fashionable hair, cute smile, disarming look amazing in a kind voice, nice little girls face, not pickled on the face. He also has feelings and a good heart. Next blog announce that he is divine, sweet, lovely, lovely, lovely, amiable and charming
. In expensive dresses and nice clothes and belongings. Bombing and olśniewający.Szarmancki and gentle in manner. Hysteria at concerts and after them. Some argue that his smooth face is a sign of backwardness in development, and others that it is an expression of perfect health Justinka Bieberka. Maybe he ate for breakfast oatmeal with milk and ate lots of fruit. Such a smooth face. Some argue that it is the computerze smoothed.
THIS everything guys was and is too much. They went to the counter. Just to go and zochydzić disgust. Zniechęció others to do so. Justin Bieber Boys opponents claim and distribute to the whole world such opinions. Because it is stupid. Sings like a woman. It is mega low and delayed development by 2 years. Looks like the window and howling like a dog in the night to the moon. Is the debil, ugly, disgusting and terrible. Someone promises that, as he meets him on the street, then it obrzuci stones. Someone else writes Bieber
pretty? fój !!!!! I can not look at him. A lot of the boys even more brutal attacks. Announce an incredible discovery: They say that Justin is pedałek! A big stars give him another hand to welcome! Untold scandal say.
I have no idea what he's Sexual Orientation. If it could be true what they write about him, it would mean that most of the girls ukochachyn-teens is a pedałek and not straight. Shame on straight. Is the world of teenagers stood upside down?
Two German words explain what you need to teenagers. Word zertlichkeit and Schwarm.
Zärtlichkeit means: sensitivity, delicacy, tenderness, sensitivity, sensitive, tactful
subtle fondle each other. Schwarm
schwärmen means to dream, fall for someone, enthuse, podkochiwać to enthusiasm, the subject of dreams, passion, delight, sympathy, bigot.
For teens aged 12 to 16 years is irrelevant whether the boy has money or money and how much. Emotions play a central role. Later, it changed.
These two German words and Zärtlichkeit schwärmen match to Justin Bieber. These właóciwoóci enough to announce it to all and sundry and every one that pedałek. Despite this, girls like it, buy the plate and get hysterical at his concerts. Justin Bubi gives children, youth and adults smile, serenity and joy, evoking laughter and humor. That is either Biebermania BIEBER MANIA, Obsession Fever Phenomenon. From America, through Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia. Even in Africa, small murzyniątka enjoy it, trymając his poster poster, and singing his songs with a smile on his lips.
http://reinhold-rolland-dyskoteki.de On my site you can read another blog on his blog about it. JUSTIN BIEBER
FEVER Two faces of luck and success.
Justin Timberlake Fever and passion for the internet and the world. Disco Fever is competition. Bieber-Fever
all rights reserved
Author commentator music clubs, discos presenter blogs Reinhold Rolland
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