Friday, February 4, 2011

Want To Paint Chevy Bowtie Pink

temporary flash files

With the flash player for linux 64 bit old, if you went to / tmp time you could see the flash file to copiartelo had once downloaded the entire video, and so see it whenever you want. With the new version 10.x square, and is not well that much internet searching, I found a comment in Codix that explains what is happening now.
I leave here

entered into the console

$ lsof was not completely downloaded). I! if you continue downloading, but the state is (deleted) had only a form of copying, rather, to retrieve the file. So I waited until the video is completely downloaded. When that is accomplished, from the console I

ls-l / proc / identificador_proceso_que_lo_tiene_abierto / descriptor_del_fichero

the process ID is in the second column (15 026) and file descriptor is the fourth column without the letter ( 18)

$ ls-l / proc/15026/fd/18
lrwx Codix Codix ------ 1 64 16/10/2010 23:21 / proc/15026/fd/18 -> / tmp / FlashXXnM8s5K (Deleted)

So to retrieve it with a simple sentence cp archivo_a_copiar ruta_archivo_copia got to have our video downloaded flashplayer

$ cp / proc/15026/fd/18 nuestro_video.flv
check with the player and mplayer , vlc, totem, or xine caffeine, which is set correctly: D


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