author of this article is Magdalena Roller
Many of us are convinced that the optimism and serenity are the hallmarks of character with which we are born or not. But what if we consider ourselves pessimists and hard for us to see the bright side of life? Meet the two fundamental principles, so that gradually mastered the skill of positive thinking.
Do you often have the impression that we Poles are smutasami and nerwusami? Just go out and look at people passing by us. How many of them smiling, even in their thoughts? Are we really so bad? Why so little joy in us on a daily basis and can anything be done about it?
very general attitude in life is passivity and the expectation that "maybe something will happen, happen, and then I'll be happy." I win the lottery. I meet the love of my life. I think of myself as children get older, they go to school, finish school, becomes independent ... Yes, we can wait forever. And what would happen if we tried really hard and found a reason to celebrate now? It might be worth?
Well, dear reader, to announce to you that it's 100% feasible. For everyone. You do not have to be "born with a silver spoon" to draw strength from optimism only from its interior. You just have to adhere to certain principles and convert them into habits. The power of habit is invaluable. Just think - if you decided five years ago that every day you will learn five words a foreign language (which is 5 words!) And if you implemented this provision in force until it would become your habit for those 5 years. What do you think the extent to which you now know the language? What are the rules? I'll introduce two basic:
Do not fight it on what you can not control.
devote too much energy on it, which we have no control. These are mostly things that irritate us, lower our mood. Usually this is the situation in the country (political, economic situation, etc.) and weather. The weather can spoil our mood very effectively. Not to mention the decline of an atmosphere which causes psychosomatic symptoms in a significant proportion of the population. And if they stop complaining about the weather, which is not enough that we have no control, it is also simply a characteristic of our geographical location? Assume is a fact. From the facts do not walczay. Not nervous about the fact that London is the capital of Britain, right? So it is already. End of story.
Rule number one for interpersonal relations. It combines the concept of tolerance. We believe that we are tolerant because we have nothing against foreigners, other cultures, etc. But the problem lies right under our noses. Who else can so well move out of balance as the people with whom we contact on a daily basis? It is sometimes remind myself that everyone is entitled to their way of life, and nothing for us to do so. I have an impact on myself, so I can work on it. On the other impact I do not. Do not fool yourself. Are you sure you ever tried to help someone against his will. And what? You may have noticed that even can only help people who choose to open to development aid, take it from us. It is their decision, not ours. You do not have the impact on them so why do they have to have an impact on you. If you allow people to control your mood, you give them power over you. Redirect your attention on yourself and what is best for you and return you to good humor.
So from today, no more wasting emotions on what you can not change. Begin to use them otherwise, the better. This will help you:
Increase the area to which you have influence.
Think first what in your life have real impact. First of all, will have been for you personally, how it acts, how you react to what you meet on a daily basis. Also, how are using their success, the chances of failure. You have to admit that it can wpłyawać. But if you use this power? Or maybe you just are not focused on that and act automatically? They often do not reflect on our reactions, we are not aware of these issues. In this way, control over their lives ignorant of the mechanisms we have in our nest. This does not sound to you a little bit scary? We get lost losing control, the environment is becoming alien to us and very friendly because we are looking at the blame for our failures. How in such a situation to be optimistic? Difficult issue.
Rule number two is telling you that you can expand the area of \u200b\u200byour conscious actions. Even now start actively decide for themselves. Do this by asking yourself questions like: How can I use? Every positive brings with this situation? What can I learn from this? What is the best been confirmed in this situation? How can I improve it, improve it? What else can I do to reach my goal? In this way, you assume the helm and you begin to feel confident. This is a man confident in his place, someone who knows what he's doing. This attitude creates a sincere and unwavering optimism. The optimism of a man who does not have to worry about because he decides how his future will look like.
At the end I'll let you that there are many different methods to increase the level of optimism in our lives. Rules that you have set out is the beginning, the foundation. Implemented, will create solid foundation on which you can start to gradually build a new, cheerful and active attitude towards the world.
This article is excerpted from website
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