Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Forced Her To Go Barefoot

How to build motivation skills

author of this article is Magdalena Roller

ability to build and maintain high level of motivation is art. Mastering the art guarantees a success in every area of \u200b\u200blife. How to master the skills so valuable and make it permanently to your daily life? Read and finally start to act effectively.
Motivation is the engine operation. Accordingly a strong guarantee of success and reduces fading and makes us our goals shattered like a mirage. We know, we agree, nodding their heads. So what if it is only theoretical knowledge in practice - a pity to talk ... Take it to something with a passion, we have the power to transmit up and after some time if the air escapes from us and our inner loon begins his grouse that it's best to give it a rest and so he will not succeed.
What then? Not escape from myself - say. No, the inner voice of an old aunt did not win. Do not even try to discuss. Our subconscious mind is to himself that he is deaf to rational arguments. The only way to outwit them by using some tricks. What?

Keep focused on the positive:
The idea is to think on so instead of them. For example, project planning concentrate on what you achieve in the end, assuming that everything goes your way. Just for a moment move up in my mind until we reach a success. Now, look at this moment; enjoy it as if it were the present moment. Feel the joy, satisfaction, what are you proud of yourself, as it was somewhat worth the effort to achieve such an extraordinary effect. Now open your eyes (because plunging in dreams probably be locked), breathe deeply and smile. Everything will be fine! Now that you know, right? How many times did you feel
outflow of labor motivation, go back to his vision. See it, touch, feel that energy again. That's your dream, and dreams come true is a great and rewarding challenge.
If you still do not laugh, for example, if you have a very bad day - force yourself to smile! Yes! This may sound strange, but it works. Breaks the pattern and confuses our subconscious which is include an automatic option to casting our negative thoughts. Laugh at it and now. And as you have had enough of this noise in my head, go for a walk, listen to music, change the point of concentration. In such moments, helping to do something. Conversion of mental activity on physical fitness. You can leave the house or turn on music and dancing, cleaning also helps ;-). Go back to thinking how cool down.
worst thing you can do is focus on the negatives. It is like throwing handfuls of sand in an oiled modes! Zastopuje you for good. And yet you want to work!

Be Active:
Act! Do not worry, you do not immediately "to build Krakow" (because as we know it right away it was built). But always try to do something that ultimately will bring you to your destination. Something small enough if you have no power to great deeds. Do not wait for bargains (they also come up), but do what you can do right now. Improve to educate new skills, the old grind. Acquire VALUE. What we have learned (theoretically and practically) increases your value. Perhaps you do not know how, but once you come up with the idea as the value of the cash or exchanged for another good.
From time to time take a "brain storm". Ask yourself: What else can I do to bring my goal? Make yourself a list of ideas and constantly add new, even the smallest improvement tactics. This will mean that your idea will live and the way to not get tired because you will still be new and appealing.

advantage of the experience of others:
When you speak to others about their plans and aspirations, and meet up with many examples of so-called. "Good advice". People like to solve other people's problems and act as mentors. How to distinguish between the council listen? Look at the person who gives you advice. Is this a person who has achieved success in the area of \u200b\u200blife where doing? Listening to advice on doing business from a businessman, who started from scratch and now is rich, you can be sure that he knows what he says. Since such people should learn.
not all millionaires, but we are among friends. But we always have access to information and such people tend to make them. Read the books written by people whom succeeded. Read the articles, blogs, watch videos made by them, to attend courses that lead, the possibilities are many. The most important that you first made sure whether the author provided information that is not only a theoretician. Theories may be beautiful but to us it's not about that aroused the senses just to work!
What does this have to do with motivation? Most. He feeds her the best. It gives inspiration. Shows the road. Only by learning from your mistakes do not learn to never so much as learning from the mistakes of others, who have passed this way before us.

And the last advice about which you must never forget:

Be yourself
sounds banal. Always remember who you are, what distinguishes you from others. Reproduction patterns and ideas of others without the contribution of your individuality will be secondary and not bring the expected results. Inserting in the project your soul, you give him life . In this way, engaging their efforts do not lose energy and your motivation will be fueled at all times and will lead you straight to the
you with all your heart you wish. --- From

take wise counsel?, 1

This article is excerpted from website


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