Friday, April 1, 2011

Myungsoo Sungjong Fanfic

observation as a tool for achieving success

author of this article is Magdalena Roller

Active and conscious observer has an advantage over others. He looks, listens, but most of all notes. Collects and processes information to your advantage. Skillfully observing yourself and others you can learn how to use what each brings to you day and build from that their personal success.

In today's world, a lack of information we can not complain. We are simply overwhelmed them. So naturally we started to immunize. Not Contemplating, sliding across the surface, scan, automatically reject the excess surrounding our content. Operate automatically, without thinking. And yet our life must be considered and decisions should be made on the basis of observation and reflection. Forgetting this, we bypass a lot of chances and opportunities that we missed''acting on autopilot.'' The solution this problem is to develop skills in the active observation. Active surveillance is aware of the receipt of external stimuli and internal, conscious of their sorting and processing. How to learn it?

By observing others:

''Constant observation is a part of all great achievements''Herbert Spencer

Watch people. For sure in your environment there are many people who do well in different areas of life. Some are very optimistic to life, when you're a pessimist. Others have easy contact with people when you complain about her shyness. Someone great care of yourself, someone professional success is spectacular. In a word, you think you are something better than you. Usually we accept as fact that if someone has a feature which we do not have is simply a born and we did not. In this way, shall be exempt from liability, but unfortunately, we deprive a chance to develop.

Fortunately there is another way. The Way of conscious observation. Look at the person which is a desirable feature for you. Let's say we want to overcome shyness, and you know someone who is wonderfully open to the people. Everyone likes it and has plenty of friends (not just on facebook.) Look at this person carefully. As it moves, how to gesture, how to say what language it uses. What is this? About me? Can it focuses more on the caller? Watch this person in many situations and ask yourself how many questions. Analyze and draw conclusions. After a while your brain, which have supplied much data on it, parse them and produce a pattern. Emerge with regularity as those found in the behavior of a person. Now you are left with only mimic these behaviors develop until the desired trait in you.

See how much you can learn in this way. You can find more of the best people and analyze what they like. In this way, so you can find. Factors for success in the field, you can test and assimilate. This requires a little work, but it is also fun.

Through self-observation:

''Observe all, the most self''Benjamin Franklin.

To succeed, we need to work on themselves. No one has doubted it. However, in order to develop, refine, we must be aware of what is happening within us. To know''what is sitting.'' To do better we need to know the current condition. Only then can decide what needs improvement. It is necessary to observe the inner conscious self.

cycles Observe your emotional reactions, dialogues internal. Be aware of what gives you strength and what it receives. Ask yourself: why I react, I responded? Why is this issue arouses in me the excitement? On what should I think about what needs work and improvements. Your inner reality is known only to you and only you, through a sincere approach, you can control it.

Notice how you describe your inner reactions. Do you ever say something like,''I was terrified, but some part of me was amused'', or'' on the one hand I was disappointed, but on the other hand I feel relieved.'' What information do you give such a description? That you are a complex personality, whose components are sometimes contradictory. Observing, consciously listening to these important votes integrates them and increase self-control. You may discover that some of the work against you. Sabotage your actions saying, for example,''And so you do not succeed, do not even try, "etc. Being aware of these''''przeszkadzaczy receive them power.

Remember the inscription on the wall of the Delphic oracle? ''Know thyself''. Knowing each other are creating your reality, and we know where you're headed. Then we ourselves are its oracles. ---

This article is excerpted from website


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