Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Short Wedding Sayings On Programs

practical exercises that right now will direct your steps on the path of success. How to effectively visualize

author of this article is Magdalena Roller

want to improve the quality of your life, but did not quite know where to start? You have no idea how to estimate what the most demanding of your work? There are some simple exercises that will help you make the first move.

"Circle of Life" is a standard exercise coaching. When you perform them accurately and in such form that you propose, you will learn a lot about yourself and get valuable guidance in the future.

And so we begin:

- Take a piece of paper and pen. Got it? Well. We continue

- Draw a big circle and divide it into 8 pieces (more or less like a pizza kroisz)

- Each section will represent one of the areas of your life. They are:

first Entertainment / Recreation


second Love / relationship

third Work / professional life

4th Family

5th Friends / Friends

6th Health

7th Finance

8th Personal Development

- Now rate your level of satisfaction for each area in a scale of 1-10

- Look at the results. There are definitely different. In some areas of life you feel you have reached a lot and you're glad, even proud. Other spheres of life fall on average, and some even badly. How does it look like you?

What two spheres are at your highest marks? Keep it up! Show off for it. Do you feel that it is precisely in these areas, you give yourself the most?

Now look at the worst recorded sphere of life. Were you previously aware that you feel lack of satisfaction in these areas? How do you feel with this knowledge?

- Select the two spheres, where most want to improve their performance.

Think, imagine how would you feel if you could significantly improve performance in these areas. What would it change your life? It looked as if?

Now imagine what you can do to make this happen? What actions, even the smallest (for starters) could take to get close to this level of satisfaction which would you answer? Write down your ideas on both subjects.

- Start work immediately. Even today, some do movement, which will contribute to enhance the experience in one or two selected areas of your life. Take responsibility for every day with new ideas, respond to the movements and watch as your life is becoming fuller and more rewarding.


This article is excerpted from website www.Artelis.pl


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